TOHSINYING.yzanne *]]
attached & unavaliable *]]
Going 16 soon *]]
17 sep 90 *]]
Naval base secondary *]]
Food & Nutrition *]]
hand chimes *]]
i love and am loved *]]
gaga over uu *]]
crazy for uu *]]
hyper passive *]]
easily low too *]]
smile *]]
i`m happy with what i have ^^*]]


[x] to love and to be loved - }}
[x] to be cherished & doted - }}
to be understood - }}
[x] not to think too much - }}
no one nothing will stop me - }}
[x] not to be yixiangqingyuan - }}
[x] be cared and concerned - }}
no heartbreaks - }}
[x] not be cheated - }}
[x] not to be zhizuoduoqing - }}
[x] be missed - }}
no medication - }}
w 900 i - }}
N 80 - }}
MP3 - }}
2 GB MMC for w900i - }}
plastic cover for w550i - }}
new headset for w550i - }}
new pierce - }}


Jessica aka kakacrunch }}
Jayven aka toot^kia `baby }}
YeeKuan aka Angeline `mei }}
shaun aka kai xin guo }}
KY- aka fei mao }}
Val 09 aka cOwkimOo `kor }}
k-zai aka heimawangzi }}
Alison aka CrabisOn }}
Candy aka konghuilian }}
Jia wei aka lavanderr `nanny }}
Fanne aka Fannanna }}
kelson aka lemon boy }}
Rainy aka bbaby`x }}
Vashonz`14 aka xBabYx TigGeR }}
sinying`s happiness }}
What i did, for love.. }}



Juvenile Casualty
Squared Pretties


October 2004[x] December 2004[x] January 2005[x] March 2005[x] April 2005[x] May 2005[x] June 2005[x] July 2005[x] August 2005[x] September 2005[x] October 2005[x] November 2005[x] December 2005[x] February 2006[x] March 2006[x] May 2006[x] June 2006[x] July 2006[x] August 2006[x]

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Im not sinying ...just anotha person

To sinying:

I just came by to help you but suddenly dun feel like helping you to change
and so i decided to blog inside for you to see instead.
The person that you refer to in your blog, i know that you tried to make that person
smile etc but just not the way that person expected or wanted is not your fault but
is just that you express it the wrong way.
And from my point of view, you are too negative of yourself, as in when people are in
a bad mood you i just don't know how to phrase it or say it.
But if i can will tell you face to face if you ever see this blog and ask me.
well i have nothing more to saym other than this what change is change maybe that person
manage to have feelings for you again maybe not. somethings are just left like that, actually
i seriously don't know what to say anymore..take care than bye...


7:18 AM

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

LOL~ hmms.. Jessica and valerie went camping.. means i`m gonna be lonely for the time being. =X

i am such a bitch! u know wad? i was mapling when my mom came in and shouted, "YING AH!! WAD TIME ALREADY!! GO SLEEP NOW!!... *blah blah*.." and i was like.. "SHOO~"

''___'' i feel so bad after that b`cox she slam the door at me. =\

err.. val`s hams all die le.. puipui ate up xiaoxiao. dunno why. den puipui dun wan eat the sunflower seeds and stuff we gave him. den puipui became very hungry and ate up beebee. den after that no more hamster for puipui to eat.. he died =_=

funneh but sad hoh? ke lian de hamsters.. =X
my house de 2 female.. one of them pregnant i think.. stomach very very big leh. c",)

hmms. i`ve gotta think 2 names now for my hams.. HELP ME THINK~

hope so. =) but den liddat i gotto seperate the 2 females! OMG~ money money money~ anyone has hamster cage? can i borrow for few months? =X lol.

my ah thi(ah pig) needs to exersice! haha. i gave them fruits u noe! they`re like a part of me. =)
cabbage and grapes and apple.. they liked them soo soo much =) i am a very nice zhuren right? *bhb* =X

GUU NII~~ i miss u neh~~ haha.
niunai go camp oso. =X (WHY SO MANY PPL CAMP!!)
so sad =( i miss him so much man.. guu niiI~ haha~
later my boyfriend jealous ah! lols.



11:30 PM

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006


and i dunno anything too. =X
i dun wish to know anything.. better off being a sha gua bah?
i wanna know de, i dunno. i dun wanna know de.. eu* tell me a lot.
eu* said i childish everytime i tried to make u smile.
i realliee realliiee put in a lot of effort le.. but i always failed. i tried tickling u.
i tried to hit u softly at yr stomach and joke with u.
i tried to remind u of our happiee moments.. but i failed!
i asked u to change yr nick, because i wanted and hoped real hard to see something that has gotta do with us.. juz us. i know i culdn`t get bball outta yr life. i dun wan to. i saw u play. i heard u play. i heard bout how ppl said about yr bball skills.i know u love it.

i know that friends are more important den me. that is y i did not block u from going out with them or hanging out with them.
i know that family is more important den friends. u cannot lose them.
i also know that bball is MUCH MUCH more important then family. mayb it`s the other way round. i dunno...

it`s easy for someone to fall in love with another. but it`s very hard for someone to gain feelings for someone. espeacially after so much fight and misunderstandings.

if everything was to start over again.. i wuld chose not to let u know my feelings for eu*. i rather keep everything to myself den let u suffer with the sensitive and unreasonable me.

i realliee wanted to know.. how important am i to u.. who do u treat me as.. most importantly, i want to know, how culd i change myself to make our relationship better. dont tell me i`m stupid. i know i am.. but this ways good.. good..

i might be angry.. might be sad now.. i dunno.. i want to sae.. i really need u..
she bu de fang qi ni.. is my reason not to be abgry with u.. i feared that once we quarrel again.. i might lose u.. again..

tears i cried for u.. scars i carved for u.. that`s all nothing. just treat me better. i don`t need u to be handsome.. i just want u to love me like u do. i dun mind u scolding me when u not in mood. i dun mind u scold me "go die lah" or.."childish!" or even "ni zhe ge ren hen qian ma leh!".. i dun care although it hurts me deeper den u think.. i dun care.. all i want is for u to love me all over again. i`ll do anything for it.. anything.. cos i know that i am meant to be 'ben nu ren'.. forever..

i hope that u din see this post.. although i told u i`m updating blog. dun tok about it in front of me.. i will tear.. i already teard the whole nite after reading the letters u wrote to me be4 september 05. i missed them.. a lot.; the words u used inside. :( i know i can`t change u.


5:34 AM

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