TOHSINYING.yzanne *]]
attached & unavaliable *]]
Going 16 soon *]]
17 sep 90 *]]
Naval base secondary *]]
Food & Nutrition *]]
hand chimes *]]
i love and am loved *]]
gaga over uu *]]
crazy for uu *]]
hyper passive *]]
easily low too *]]
smile *]]
i`m happy with what i have ^^*]]


[x] to love and to be loved - }}
[x] to be cherished & doted - }}
to be understood - }}
[x] not to think too much - }}
no one nothing will stop me - }}
[x] not to be yixiangqingyuan - }}
[x] be cared and concerned - }}
no heartbreaks - }}
[x] not be cheated - }}
[x] not to be zhizuoduoqing - }}
[x] be missed - }}
no medication - }}
w 900 i - }}
N 80 - }}
MP3 - }}
2 GB MMC for w900i - }}
plastic cover for w550i - }}
new headset for w550i - }}
new pierce - }}


Jessica aka kakacrunch }}
Jayven aka toot^kia `baby }}
YeeKuan aka Angeline `mei }}
shaun aka kai xin guo }}
KY- aka fei mao }}
Val 09 aka cOwkimOo `kor }}
k-zai aka heimawangzi }}
Alison aka CrabisOn }}
Candy aka konghuilian }}
Jia wei aka lavanderr `nanny }}
Fanne aka Fannanna }}
kelson aka lemon boy }}
Rainy aka bbaby`x }}
Vashonz`14 aka xBabYx TigGeR }}
sinying`s happiness }}
What i did, for love.. }}



Juvenile Casualty
Squared Pretties


October 2004[x] December 2004[x] January 2005[x] March 2005[x] April 2005[x] May 2005[x] June 2005[x] July 2005[x] August 2005[x] September 2005[x] October 2005[x] November 2005[x] December 2005[x] February 2006[x] March 2006[x] May 2006[x] June 2006[x] July 2006[x] August 2006[x]

Monday, July 31, 2006

shi wo zhi ji yi xiang qing yuan. zhi zuo duo qing. hmms.. wo zi ji ming bai. i dunno what gives the idea that i LOVE her. hmms.. it`s just a strong feeling.. that i like her bahs.. i didn`t fall in LOVE with her yet. gaga over her cox, that`s the most expected outta her. yes, i`m gaga easily over crazy little things, and the fact that i`m tall!! xD i didn`t wanna be tall too. i do not have a choice !! i wanna be shorter.. i am 168cm but dun look so.. i only look 164cm.. my back bone... no one believes my actual height.. which is good? lols.. but when standing against a wall, or sitting down straight on a chair, i can`t help being tall bahx?! lols. hmms.. ppl might find that i hao lian cox i`m tall.. but in fact, i dun wanna be tall !! a passive, so tall for what.. no bung wan cai zhi dao ah !! -.-

sin ying is normal. jux a bit crappy. thx for alehluuyah-qiang and crabison de entertainment every morning. -.- morning and night sms from them and hui fen oso. lols. hmms.. seriously, my life getting more and more complicated lehx!! my dad brought home this.. video thingiee.. hmms.. as in.. jian shi qi.. so cool lahx! lols.. luckily, porn wasn`t showed life xD seriously hope she know what she`s doing.

yishun blk 762 there got robbery case? it`s near my mama de shop there ahh! hope my mom won`t get robbed !! lols..

f&n so tired.. hmms.. finally, i`ve learnt to write.. yi ran shi peng you. lols.. well. i`m still crappin.. still laughing.. still me.. ^^

6:57 AM

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

She just told me she`s happy with her gf. ^^ yeahhs.. pain.. but what can i do? lols.. same thing ma? ben ben de hope that she`ll sms me isit? haven i had enough? she happy jiu hao. i bwg. hmms.. no need for their sweet pics le.. no need.. i don`t wanna know bout anything.. just feel that i should get myself drunk and den fuck off and go to sleep.

now, i know le.. me, no effect on her at all.. she`s happy with life now with her stead.. in the end.. i`m still yi xiang qing yuan.. zhi zuo duo qing.. :)

now type de oso crap.. dun wan type liao le bahs.. no use de..

8:23 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i didn`t cut myself, KY-.. i didn`t. really didn`t..
cox, it`s a promise.. the 1st promise i`ve made with her.. i`m trying hard not to break it.. cox, she dislikes broken promises.. mayb, i shall thank KY for giving me the blue black actually. THAT instant was a fast relive of my pain too. then, thank u all for being there, playing batminton, on music and stuff. crapped and 'ren' my weird temper so long.

Don`t know how to speak with this feeling in me. I want to know that she`s cheating me. She isn`t attached. She`s just waiting for her ex. She wanted me to go cox she doesn`t want me hurt. But if thats true, she doesn`t know, i`m hurt when she ask me to go. haiis.. i don`t know already lahs. like her pm in msn, just be happy.
How am i going to?

I received an sms in the middle of the night. I saw it only in the morning at ard 7am.
"xiao tian shi song wo yi zhong dong xi, jiao xiao rong. ta yao wo ba xiao rong song gei le yi ge ren. na ge ren shi shui ne? jiu shi xian zai kan zhe shou ji bian xiao bian gan dong de na ge ren... xi wang xiao rong hui chang ban ni lian shang! =p" -i didn`t change a word. jus typed it in pinyin form only.

i replied.
" ^^ <

i type le, was like.. crying. :( mayb morning more emotional bahs. i remember how she would be thinking of things, then i`ll place the chnl U finger near to her lips.. and she would give me a 'sha xiao'. haiis..hmms.. ta de sha xiao yi bu shu yu ben dan.. shu yu bie ren le..

zhen de hen xin ku. i oso dunno what i wanted from her. i dunno what i wanted. til now, this very moment, i`m still waiting for her to sms me. well, atleast in msn she asked if i ate. she asked me dun bluff her.

Today is my mom and dad de 17th wedding aniversary. grats !

they went to makan a big big feast with my dad de friens. the food was nice lahs.. but no mood really.. then, sis ka jiao me when i`m typing sms to send baby. then i shouted. think mom wasn`t very happy with me too. then dad didn`t say anything. mom only say"yr eye liner make u look like panda." i was like.. PANDA!! T-T panda.. wo hao xiang nian sha gua xiong mao!!
my table de those words.. wanted to erase them off de.. but really bu she de.. and.. cannot be erased.. thought the pen can rub away de. in the end cannot. and i don`t want to too. was dramatic in class on fri.. crying.. then ang ang came and read the words.. "sha gua xiong mao".. i was like.. crying out more lahH!! lols. palm was holding onto the words.. but i know i cannot hold on cox... she don`t wan to.. haiis.. dunno lahs..

Drink a bit ytd night. dunno why very easy seh diao lately. 1 can heneiken, a bit of red wine. cannot make it liao. go throw rubbish like.. whoa!! mux hold onto something.. haiis.. i know i`m not suppose to drink.. cox she told me not to.. cox my liver de things.. then.. i did.. cox i was thinking, val say le, she oso dun care me.. i die le dunno she will cry not oso -.-"
off my hp silent.. she got sms me.. ask me not to watch the show till cry.. well.. the show is 9 o clock. the time she sms me was 11 plus le.. then.. she ask me how i am.. i didn`t know how to ans her.. i was like.. "how u den how me lorr lols!!" hmms.. yupps.. she`s happy jiu hao.. hmms.. i`ve found out a way to be smaller in size. hiak hiak!! val told me wad byan did..

soak yrself in ICY ICY COLD water and ICE~
then the bones, joins, watever will contract. isit? hmms.. i wanna try.. but.. my house no bathtub!! lols.. nvm.. if there`s a will, there`s a way..

didn`t dare to ask if she got miss me.. cox..
*blah blah- in front got whole load of crap*
wo bu gan zhi dao ni dui ta shuo de shi fou shi zhen xin hua.you nuu peng you le, yao zhen xi ! bu neng zhai xiang wo le o! i`ve nv said i`ll wait. if i found someone be4 u got over, or someone u love, i`ll go too. yao xin fu ! yao ha ha da xiao! xi huan yi ge ren yao da shen shuo chu lai! yao da shen dui ta shuo ai ta wo!! bu yke yi pian wo o!!

thats what i sent her. hmms..
i dun dare to know.. cox i want to believe that all thats untrue.. got gf liao mux cherish, cox.. she said, no matter what.. 'sha gua hui hen zhen xi teng ai ben dan zhu tou de'.. last time.. i still have those sms with me.. haiis!! erms.. cannot miss me anymore, cox.. it wld only be a pain!! her mood won`t be good..and, if her gf is true.. haiis.. yah.. truth is, i want her miss me !! :(

mayb is cos i think too much liao.. dreamt bout her too -.- for goodness sack, it`s a nightmare!!
my sister found out all my pics, contacts, blogs, friendster and stuff.. then my dad called me when i`m outside.. he shout, "WHO IS KELSON!?!" i was like.... "c.l de sister de bf.." then i forgot the other 1/2 liaos.. was thinking in my dream.. how come.. got jayven de pic, got write bout jayven oso, dad nv asked? o.O then in dream, thought of.. OOH!! THAT TIME TOLD MAMA BOUT THE TWO MAHS!! then val say is the tall one!! OH MY GOD!! thats y!! -.-

DOTS!!! my dream so.. haha..
guess.. i am who i am. loves attention and stuff..
didn`t expect myself to like her so much too wor.. lols.. everything so fast.. it`s only the 30th day since we 1st met up -.- lalala~ wadever bahs!! lao tian ye jiu wo!! ru guo bu hui you jie guo, jiu ba wo dai zhou!! lols..

5:45 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i didn`t cut myself, KY-.. i didn`t. really didn`t..
cox, it`s a promise.. the 1st promise i`ve made with her.. i`m trying hard not to break it.. cox, she dislikes broken promises.. mayb, i shall thank KY for giving me the blue black actually. THAT instant was a fast relive of my pain too. then, thank u all for being there, playing batminton, on music and stuff. crapped and 'ren' my weird temper so long.

Don`t know how to speak with this feeling in me. I want to know that she`s cheating me. She isn`t attached. She`s just waiting for her ex. She wanted me to go cox she doesn`t want me hurt. But if thats true, she doesn`t know, i`m hurt when she ask me to go. haiis.. i don`t know already lahs. like her pm in msn, just be happy.
How am i going to?

I received an sms in the middle of the night. I saw it only in the morning at ard 7am.
"xiao tian shi song wo yi zhong dong xi, jiao xiao rong. ta yao wo ba xiao rong song gei le yi ge ren. na ge ren shi shui ne? jiu shi xian zai kan zhe shou ji bian xiao bian gan dong de na ge ren... xi wang xiao rong hui chang ban ni lian shang! =p" -i didn`t change a word. jus typed it in pinyin form only.

i replied.

i type le, was like.. crying. :( mayb morning more emotional bahs. i remember how she would be thinking of things, then i`ll place the chnl U finger near to her lips.. and she would give me a 'sha xiao'. haiis..hmms.. ta de sha xiao yi bu shu yu ben dan.. shu yu bie ren le..

zhen de hen xin ku. i oso dunno what i wanted from her. i dunno what i wanted. til now, this very moment, i`m still waiting for her to sms me. well, atleast in msn she asked if i ate. she asked me dun bluff her.

Today is my mom and dad de 17th wedding aniversary. grats !
they went to makan a big big feast with my dad de friens. the food was nice lahs.. but no mood really.. then, sis ka jiao me when i`m typing sms to send baby. then i shouted. think mom wasn`t very happy with me too. then dad didn`t say anything. mom only say"yr eye liner make u look like panda." i was like.. PANDA!! T-T panda.. wo hao xiang nian sha gua xiong mao!!
my table de those words.. wanted to erase them off de.. but really bu she de.. and.. cannot be erased.. thought the pen can rub away de. in the end cannot. and i don`t want to too. was dramatic in class on fri.. crying.. then ang ang came and read the words.. "sha gua xiong mao".. i was like.. crying out more lahH!! lols. palm was holding onto the words.. but i know i cannot hold on cox... she don`t wan to.. haiis.. dunno lahs..

Drink a bit ytd night. dunno why very easy seh diao lately. 1 can heneiken, a bit of red wine. cannot make it liao. go throw rubbish like.. whoa!! mux hold onto something.. haiis.. i know i`m not suppose to drink.. cox she told me not to.. cox my liver de things.. then.. i did.. cox i was thinking, val say le, she oso dun care me.. i die le dunno she will cry not oso -.-"
off my hp silent.. she got sms me.. ask me not to watch the show till cry.. well.. the show is 9 o clock. the time she sms me was 11 plus le.. then.. she ask me how i am.. i didn`t know how to ans her.. i was like.. "how u den how me lorr lols!!" hmms.. yupps.. she`s happy jiu hao.. hmms.. i`ve found out a way to be smaller in size. hiak hiak!! val told me wad byan did..

soak yrself in ICY ICY COLD water and ICE~
then the bones, joins, watever will contract. isit? hmms.. i wanna try.. but.. my house no bathtub!! lols.. nvm.. if there`s a will, there`s a way..

didn`t dare to ask if she got miss me.. cox..
*blah blah- in front got whole load of crap*
wo bu gan zhi dao ni dui ta shuo de shi fou shi zhen xin hua.you nuu peng you le, yao zhen xi ! bu neng zhai xiang wo le o! i`ve nv said i`ll wait. if i found someone be4 u got over, or someone u love, i`ll go too. yao xin fu ! yao ha ha da xiao! xi huan yi ge ren yao da shen shuo chu lai! yao da shen dui ta shuo ai ta wo!! bu yke yi pian wo o!!

thats what i sent her. hmms..
i dun dare to know.. cox i want to believe that all thats untrue.. got gf liao mux cherish, cox.. she said, no matter what.. 'sha gua hui hen zhen xi teng ai ben dan zhu tou de'.. last time.. i still have those sms with me.. haiis!! erms.. cannot miss me anymore, cox.. it wld only be a pain!! her mood won`t be good..and, if her gf is true.. haiis.. yah.. truth is, i want her miss me !! :(

mayb is cos i think too much liao.. dreamt bout her too -.- for goodness sack, it`s a nightmare!!
my sister found out all my pics, contacts, blogs, friendster and stuff.. then my dad called me when i`m outside.. he shout, "WHO IS KELSON!?!" i was like.... "c.l de sister de bf.." then i forgot the other 1/2 liaos.. was thinking in my dream.. how come.. got jayven de pic, got write bout jayven oso, dad nv asked? o.O then in dream, thought of.. OOH!! THAT TIME TOLD MAMA BOUT THE TWO MAHS!! then val say is the tall one!! OH MY GOD!! thats y!! -.-

DOTS!!! my dream so.. haha..
guess.. i am who i am. loves attention and stuff..
didn`t expect myself to like her so much too wor.. lols.. everything so fast.. it`s only the 30th day since we 1st met up -.- lalala~ wadever bahs!! lao tian ye jiu wo!! ru guo bu hui you jie guo, jiu ba wo dai zhou!! lols..

5:45 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i didn`t cut myself, KY-.. i didn`t. really didn`t..
cox, it`s a promise.. the 1st promise i`ve made with her.. i`m trying hard not to break it.. cox, she dislikes broken promises.. mayb, i shall thank KY for giving me the blue black actually. THAT instant was a fast relive of my pain too. then, thank u all for being there, playing batminton, on music and stuff. crapped and 'ren' my weird temper so long.

Don`t know how to speak with this feeling in me. I want to know that she`s cheating me. She isn`t attached. She`s just waiting for her ex. She wanted me to go cox she doesn`t want me hurt. But if thats true, she doesn`t know, i`m hurt when she ask me to go. haiis.. i don`t know already lahs. like her pm in msn, just be happy.
How am i going to?

I received an sms in the middle of the night. I saw it only in the morning at ard 7am.
"xiao tian shi song wo yi zhong dong xi, jiao xiao rong. ta yao wo ba xiao rong song gei le yi ge ren. na ge ren shi shui ne? jiu shi xian zai kan zhe shou ji bian xiao bian gan dong de na ge ren... xi wang xiao rong hui chang ban ni lian shang! =p" -i didn`t change a word. jus typed it in pinyin form only.

i replied.

i type le, was like.. crying. :( mayb morning more emotional bahs. i remember how she would be thinking of things, then i`ll place the chnl U finger near to her lips.. and she would give me a 'sha xiao'. haiis..hmms.. ta de sha xiao yi bu shu yu ben dan.. shu yu bie ren le..

zhen de hen xin ku. i oso dunno what i wanted from her. i dunno what i wanted. til now, this very moment, i`m still waiting for her to sms me. well, atleast in msn she asked if i ate. she asked me dun bluff her.

Today is my mom and dad de 17th wedding aniversary. grats !
they went to makan a big big feast with my dad de friens. the food was nice lahs.. but no mood really.. then, sis ka jiao me when i`m typing sms to send baby. then i shouted. think mom wasn`t very happy with me too. then dad didn`t say anything. mom only say"yr eye liner make u look like panda." i was like.. PANDA!! T-T panda.. wo hao xiang nian sha gua xiong mao!!
my table de those words.. wanted to erase them off de.. but really bu she de.. and.. cannot be erased.. thought the pen can rub away de. in the end cannot. and i don`t want to too. was dramatic in class on fri.. crying.. then ang ang came and read the words.. "sha gua xiong mao".. i was like.. crying out more lahH!! lols. palm was holding onto the words.. but i know i cannot hold on cox... she don`t wan to.. haiis.. dunno lahs..

Drink a bit ytd night. dunno why very easy seh diao lately. 1 can heneiken, a bit of red wine. cannot make it liao. go throw rubbish like.. whoa!! mux hold onto something.. haiis.. i know i`m not suppose to drink.. cox she told me not to.. cox my liver de things.. then.. i did.. cox i was thinking, val say le, she oso dun care me.. i die le dunno she will cry not oso -.-"
off my hp silent.. she got sms me.. ask me not to watch the show till cry.. well.. the show is 9 o clock. the time she sms me was 11 plus le.. then.. she ask me how i am.. i didn`t know how to ans her.. i was like.. "how u den how me lorr lols!!" hmms.. yupps.. she`s happy jiu hao.. hmms.. i`ve found out a way to be smaller in size. hiak hiak!! val told me wad byan did..

soak yrself in ICY ICY COLD water and ICE~
then the bones, joins, watever will contract. isit? hmms.. i wanna try.. but.. my house no bathtub!! lols.. nvm.. if there`s a will, there`s a way..

didn`t dare to ask if she got miss me.. cox..
*blah blah- in front got whole load of crap*
wo bu gan zhi dao ni dui ta shuo de shi fou shi zhen xin hua.you nuu peng you le, yao zhen xi ! bu neng zhai xiang wo le o! i`ve nv said i`ll wait. if i found someone be4 u got over, or someone u love, i`ll go too. yao xin fu ! yao ha ha da xiao! xi huan yi ge ren yao da shen shuo chu lai! yao da shen dui ta shuo ai ta wo!! bu yke yi pian wo o!!

thats what i sent her. hmms..
i dun dare to know.. cox i want to believe that all thats untrue.. got gf liao mux cherish, cox.. she said, no matter what.. 'sha gua hui hen zhen xi teng ai ben dan zhu tou de'.. last time.. i still have those sms with me.. haiis!! erms.. cannot miss me anymore, cox.. it wld only be a pain!! her mood won`t be good..and, if her gf is true.. haiis.. yah.. truth is, i want her miss me !! :(

mayb is cos i think too much liao.. dreamt bout her too -.- for goodness sack, it`s a nightmare!!
my sister found out all my pics, contacts, blogs, friendster and stuff.. then my dad called me when i`m outside.. he shout, "WHO IS KELSON!?!" i was like.... "c.l de sister de bf.." then i forgot the other 1/2 liaos.. was thinking in my dream.. how come.. got jayven de pic, got write bout jayven oso, dad nv asked? o.O then in dream, thought of.. OOH!! THAT TIME TOLD MAMA BOUT THE TWO MAHS!! then val say is the tall one!! OH MY GOD!! thats y!! -.-

DOTS!!! my dream so.. haha..
guess.. i am who i am. loves attention and stuff..
didn`t expect myself to like her so much too wor.. lols.. everything so fast.. it`s only the 30th day since we 1st met up -.- lalala~ wadever bahs!! lao tian ye jiu wo!! ru guo bu hui you jie guo, jiu ba wo dai zhou!! lols..

5:45 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Thats the songs i`ve been listening to.. i`m listening to them now. i like the 1st, 3rd, 4th and last. ah yah! all i like. lols. ytd val asked kelson sms me. cos i told her if kelson sms me, i`ll go to the concert she wanted me to go. But what kelson smsed is not what i wanted!! why would val want to do that! she knows i`m going to be extremely sad over it!! i hate her and i still do. why mux val be so selfish !! all that, i know de !! i really know!! no need u to remind me right? if u think i`ll go cox of kelson sms me this kinda sms, then u`re wrong. If kelson sms me those like she used to.. makes me feel cared, and missed.. my mood would be better isn`t it!! then i`ll go isn`t it !! i hate u.. i`m suppose to be hyper!! and val, u`ve extingushed my last hope of hyperness. now i`m dead!! i feel dead!! and i hate u!! yes, i`m childish!! but aren`t u too selfish? u only think of yrself!!

I still want to wait for her sms all day. Although she might have forgotten bout the "l*ave" and "l*ve" thingiee.. That same day, she said she liked me. was so happy. but, she said she couldn`t love me. cox, liking one and only. yi xin yi yi. she still loves her ex. and i understands. So, i told her, if one day, she has no feelings for me at all, she finds me irritating, sms me "L*ave"..
BUT, if she got over her ex le, and has feelings for me, sms me "L*ve" and i shall reply with an "o!!" hmms.. yupps.. i`m afraid of the leave. really.

alot of things i`m keeping to myself. she doesn`t know de. cox.. sinying is hua chi. feng kuang de xi huan shang le ni. ben ben de deng ni de sms. sha sha de xi guan ni. xian zai, wei le ni, xin bu gan qing bu yuan de, bing bu de yi dei fang le ni.. haiis.. today, shall reveal everything, since u no longer can view my blog le.. :)

In my purple de diary,

-wo you le xin de ren shen..
though bu shi fei chang de happy..
ke shi, shi you tian tian de wei dao de o!!
wo, ai shang le yi ge, he wo yi qian yi yang de ren.. ta rang wo you tian tian de gan jue.. dan, wo zhen de bu liao jie ta de xin, dao di zai xiang she me.. wo jiao ta, CaCl2..-

i gotten over dylan last month. looking back at the posts i`ve made, think i`m so stupid. xP me, tried to stop myself from falling in love. stop myself from liking someone. told myself not to think too much. but, i`m still fallen now. i told myself not to think too much le. but i did. i did my best not to!! -.- i`ve did my best. xP sorry.. i`ve fallen into yr trap. she can`t get over her ex. asked me give her 3 mth, but also asked me to go for other ppl. heartache man.. no choice, she said it, can like her, but try not to love her. :( i`m weird. so i can`t be like others, i don`t know how to use simple words to express myself. sometimes, i wld come across some songs which can express my feelings out. then shall sing it out instead. -.- yupps, only ben dan cai hui xi huan shang sha gua (thats what u sent me long ago). when u said u like me, i`m very very happy oh!! but, why keep on pushing me to others? :( got ppl wanna jio me so? now, i only like one and only one person!! i`m not that shui bian de. i don`t want. when u attemp to to send me away, i felt like crying oh! well, i did xP when u said u don`t care about me, when u asked me to let go, i feel heart broken.. :'( But when u treat me well, i`ll be hyper again !! soft soft de smile from u would be able to make me smile. a small compliment from u would be able to make me laugh til i faint!! If one day, u said u love me, i`ll fly !! sinying is the world`s da hua chi !! xP but, will the day come? cox of my height bah? only friends? i`ve cried.. T-T Now, i also don`t know how u felt bout me, or think bout me.. i feel like chopping away my legs ah !! don`t dare to ask if u missed me. don`t dare to ask u alot alot of questions. cox, i don`t wanna hear stuff which would make me cry xP baby still told me, you really really wanted me go find other ppl. i thought i`ll be drunk.. but i remembered everything :( is me who asked her to reveal everything de. but.. haiis.. !! you, don`t want let me xi guan you so nv sms me leh? u busy bah.. right? ^^ hmms.. ytd, u went out with friends ehh? but u`re sick what !! :( drink more water and rest well. really miss u lotsa!! 1 week since i met u !! xP sha gua..

The rest of post is in my MOBLOG diary, which is not with me at this moment.. it`s in class.. i`ve written like, everything there.. hmms.. i remembered everything !!

no.1- u`re heartache for me. u`ve asked me to promise u not to cut.
no.2- u asked me sms u when i reach home. u ask me guai abit. u don`t wan me get wacked again.
no.3- east coast night. u said u like lemon honey. i rushed to buy lemon and honey and try out til my lips turned numb. -.- didn`t know how to get there but i did in the end. lols.
no.4- the hug. though u said u dunno why. the 'strawberry' i gave on yr arm. the pillow. the moment where u layed on my legs and asked if my leg turned numb. "sha gua shui bu zao..".. "wei she me ne?".. the miss killed kiss..
no.5- on the bus, when i finally slept like a pig ! when i open my eyes, i saw u looking at me somhow -.-
no.6- not forgetting.. yr 1st letter to me ^^
no.7- i forced u to say u missed me. u did !! and.. u asked me to smile cai got dimples.
no.8- yr morning sms. and night sms. ^^ the way i wld wait for it. lols.
no.9- dustbin. "don u even throw me away".. "bites zhutou neck"
no.10- i remind u i like u. cox of yr STM!! -.-
no.11- esplanate. penknife. -.- u took towel and water and cleaned up for me.
no.12- the bracelet i made. the watch u wore. the wristbands u wore.
no.13- the word i wrote on yr hand. i grabbed on yr hand but don`t dare to hold it. u brushed yr tumb against my hand when u sleep. lols.
no.14- the missed killed kiss. i didn`t miss kill le. but u said u didn`t feel anything. -.-
no.15- thx for letting me sing ^^
no.16- i hugged u to sleep. u kinda.. hugged me? i remembered yr smell. and the way u tried to grab yr coat and lay it on my back. the way u grabbed my shirt. the way yr chin touched my head. the way u brushed yr finger against my hand while holding them. the way u made me felt cosy..
no.17- the way u made me waited the whole night next to the big big stone till i bth den dropped dead!! -.-
no.18- the way u sms me in chinese and told me if i have good mood and appittie is cox u missed me. if not means u miss me i nv miss u. lols. ^^
no.19- the way u reply me "hahax. zhutou"
no.20- the zhutou u drawn for me. send me by mms. lols.
no.21- the way u asked me if i missed u..
no.22- the way u said i laugh like small kid and said it was cute.
no23- u reply my sms and told me u were eating pineapple. lols
no. 24- the way u cared. u told me no lemon no alcohal and no acidic drinks.
no. 25- u said u unreasonable. hahas. u angry bout me cox i didn`t wan listen. fact is i did!!
no.26- the way u made me worry for u. bout yr leg
no.27- sms me. morning. long time didn`t le!! ^^ so happy!! lols. the way u ask me to sms u when i missed u.
no.28- the sms which u asked me not to make u worry for me. ^^
no.29- i asked u if u missed me. u reply:"if no then won`t sms u le" i was happy!!! u 1st time didn`t say no. -.-
no.30- u asked my to takkare and drink more water. the way i would ting hua...

i`ve summarised those things down. of cos.. there are somemore.. hmms.. all thses.. i still hope they`ll come back one day.. wo ben.. wo sha.. wo bai chi..

- wo bu xiang rang ni zou. xin zai tong lei zhai liu. ni na me jue qing, na me ren xing, wang ji ni de chen nuo-
a lyrics from one of the songs i`m listening now. -.-

wo zhen de hen xiang ni. i want to stay. :( i`ve chose to believe that u still like me. u don wanna hurt me bu letting me wait so long. u want me to forget u cox u feel that letting me wait not good. cox got ppl out there will be happier for me to go. u feel sad too. u jux don`t want to let me feel miserable. thats why u chose to lie to me. u still missed me. u feel uneasy when u can`t sms me like be4 anymore. cos if u were to sms me, i would not forget u lik u planned. u`ll be thinking of what i`m doing, like i am now.. u feel uneasy not receiving my sms. (u once said, u like reciving my sms) and i swear that i would sms u no matter wad. not now..... hmms.. haiis!! :( i believe that u feel that, everything is moving too fast, like i did.. so, it`s easier to let go now be4 it`s too late.. before i fall more for u.. thats y u so she de to throw me away!! someone tell me i`m right. T.T

haiis.. say real.. i`m not the kinda girl u all think bah..
if before u LOVE me.. i found someone who LOVE me.. i`ll go to the someone else if u have no strong feelings for me too.. haiis..
u`re the feeling of happiness and xin fu i feel. now that u`re gone. the feelings are gone too. yi qie dou bei ta hui yuan dian. yi qie dou hao xiang mei you fa shen. zhi shi zuo le yi chang er mong er yi. so now..

SIN YING IS GOING TO DREAM ON !! i hope i will never wake up.
i`m still waiting for yr^ sms.. till now.. i wake up every 1 hr or so from my sleep last night. i looked at my hp everytime. i don`t wanna delete my inbox.

i`m suppose to eat med le i think. cramps are kinda back. i had coffee fri morning. 3 for 2.80 if i`m not wrong. bought 3 lohs. i know i`ll get stomach ache de. but felt like drinking dunno why too. lols. whole morning, drink coffee. hmms.. then in the end.. cramp.. now still cramp.. this morning.. LEG cramp.. then now is the... liver bah? xD dunno which part lahs!! dun care liao. lols. fever. whole body ache now. cox of ytd de batminton too. long time since i`ve played. thats y -.- dots lah! i`m going to isolate now le. takkare ppl.

12:39 AM

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Zhen de hao tong ku.
cannot cut. cannot punch. all i could do is seek for attention. like val said. i`m so attention seeking. in school i cried during recess cos i can`t take it anymore. she`s not replying my sms. it`s not that she`s busy, though i always tells myself that she`s just too busy to sms me. i looked at my hp and make sure i see every single sms and picks up every single phone calls. But non of them are from u.

Was so happy when u smsed me ytd night. although it was just asking about my blog that bung who called in the middle of the night. but found out that, u wanted me to forget about u? u didn`t want me to waste my time. i don`t think that it`s a waste of MY time. if u think u wasted time on me, then, for u, i will let go of u. let u go to the place u really want to be. But thats only cox i understand that, for someone who loves u, but u don`t. it`s rather irritating sometimes. Sometimes, u might be thinking, why the one i don`t love, loves me. the one that i love, doesn`t? well, thats me last time. Waiting for ex. i waited real long too. from the 7th or 8th months of my last r/s, i don`t feel her love anymore. i waited for her love to come back. 7 months for her i`ve waited. But in the end, i got over it -.-

Ppl tried to tell me. she sure got feelings for u de. don`t think too much. have confidence! but truth is, i do not dare to know. i`m afraid that the ans i get is not what i expected. u always asked me to find someone better. u said u aren`t good at all. but, how better can i get? i`m not like the other girls which is yr type. i know it myself. i`m FAT UGLY SENSITIVE STUPID AND IRRITATING!! i want to get aneroxia. i want to forbid myself from food too. but no matter what i do, i remembered yr sms. u said that, if my mood`s good and good appittite is cox of u miss me. but if i don`t have good mood or no appittite is cox when u missed me, i didn`t miss u. and.. yes.. i missed u alot. i don`t have good appittite now. my emotions are running wild. sometimes felt hyper. sometimes felt like crying. and i did cry. in front of ppl. catching their attention.

this is what my horoscope says:
You can see what needs to be done, so do it. There's no sense in waiting any longer.
The simple, silly problems all around you keep you active all day long. You're on a solo crusade to make everything work perfectly and look beautiful, and you're going to have a very successful day. Things like a crooked painting, a messy room and dirty dishes in the sink don't stand a chance with you around. You'll see what needs to be done and quickly do it -- because what's the point of waiting any longer? There isn't a drop of procrastination in you right now.

i don`t understand at all. In msn, KYKY- pmed u. di siao u. after which u sign out. or u blocked me. hmms.. i tried real hard to let u know a bit of how i`m feeling now. but i don`t seem to dare say everything out. like ytd night, when u said u wanted to know how i felt. i have 2 sms.. but i only sent one. like aaron kor said, i should have jux told u that "i love u" lahs.. or things liddat. but i`m passive !! and i do not dare. i know how u`re going to respond. u`ll not reply me if it`s sms. u`ll offline mayb if it`s msn. haiis!! i`m not good in expressing myself. but now, tonight. i`m emo..

wo zhen de hai bu xiang li kai. wo bu xiang zhi dao san ge yue hou hui zhe me yang. wo zi ji ye bu dong zi ji yao de shi she me. wo bu gan shuo cu lai. yin wei wo dong, ni yi ding hui you xie di fang, bu ming bai de. wo ben, wo sha, wo yi xiang qing yuan, zhi zuo duo qing. zhe jiu shi wo, zhen zheng de wo. ming zhi dao xin ai de ren bu ai zi ji. zhai xin ku de zhen zha zhe. ke shi, bu xiang wei nan ni. you bu yao fang qi ni. hen guo fen de xi guan le ni. xi guan mei tian you ni de xun xi. xi guan ni jiao wo ben dan zhu tou. xi guan deng ni chuan xun xi gei wo. xi guan ni jiao wo qu du shu. xi guan hen duo hen duo. peng you ju hui shi, hui gen ni shuo, yin wei wo xiang ni qu. wo xiang jian ni. wo bu gan zhu dong, yin wei wo bu gan. wo mei yong. wo shi hua chi. yi dian dian xiao shi jiu lao lao ji zhu. ran hou jiu hen kai xin de, zhi dao ni ma wo ben wei zhi. hen tao yan ni de 'stm'. she me dou wang le.

ke neng, xian zai, wang le ni shuo guo de hua, zhuo guo de shi, dui ni lai shuo hen jian dan ba? ke shi dui wo, que shi yi ge jian nan de kao yan. jin tian, wo mei you ge shou. zhi shi yong zhi jia zhua dao shou ma bi wei zhi. bu shi xi wang ni kan jian. zhi shi, wo bu neng, ye bu dong de yao zhe me kong zhi zi ji de qing xuu le. wo xiang shen yi chang da bing, ba zi ji guan zhai jia li. na li dou bu qu. yin wei she me shi dou neng rang wo xiang dao ni. wo zhen de, bu yao zhai kan ni jiao wo zou. jiao wo fang shou. zhen de xiang zhai xi guan ni. zhen de hen xiang hen xiang ni. wo bu gan xin. bu gan xin ni na me hen xin. ni she de ba wo diu xia, yi ge ren li qu. hai she de jiao wo fang shou, wang le ni. she de ji tian dou bu sms wo. nan dao, ni zhen de mei you zai xiang wo le ma?

Post in chinese le. hmms.. feeling a bit emo now. lols. tearing :(
i`m not going to translate le. lazy to do so. anything can jus call my hp. i`ll read it out bahs. hmms..

Played baminton with aaron, val, al, yeekuan, KY-, jiawei.. hmmms.. aaron made my run quite a bit bahs.. body ache xD mei you yong. lols. then.. shaun didn`t come in the end. haiis..

chuan chern burned techno de CDs for me. thx alot.

today is candy de bday. happy bday ahh! ^^ mom de cakeshop so fucked up now. late for 1/2 hr for the cake. made everyone waited sooooo long. then got caught in the rain. now, finally, headache liao. then..

After batminton, they come my hse wait for me bathe and eat den go sunplaza. hmms.. BUT THEN!! cos yeekuan de eye too big liao.. bu xiao xin DIAO dio 2 lians. -.- in the end they so childish de. call one big group follow here and there. childish sia. we go down buy drink say we ham ji. they oso ham wad. dare not come to us and confront huh? hmms.. biggest gang in sg is police lohs!! lols. in the end we went in arcade, then 3 lians bang val. den val du lan liao. they still laugh laugh. -.- wu liao. act as if BU XIAO XIN de. but then we know is gu yi de. -.- then my HP rang. baby called. walked out and tok. then at 1st got ppl shouted dunno baby got hear not -.-
"lian ooh! ka dian wei liao eh! wa kia kia!!" means.. "ah lian ooh!! call others liao eh ! i`m soo scare!!" -.- HELLO~ GANGSTERS~ IS BABY CALL ME DE OK!! -.- PLS WEAR SPECT IF U NEED IT! (1 of them wears contact) HAHA~
at 1st when went in arcade they oso di siao siao.. "wah chio bu ah !! CHIO GE LAN LAH!! CHIO LAN LAH CHIO!!" as if they chio -.- yah lah. more chio then us de. but oso not chio -.- dots. hmms.. didn`t wanna stir up matters cox we believe that we have better things to do then that !! lols.. then.. bang bang thing.. den hp call thing. -.- so wu liao. spoilt our moods. everyone went home. lols!! injure dio hand. left de middle finger. haiis! right de tumb. haiis! left de arm. whole arm orh cheh!! omg. lols.

when KY pinch time is numb cox of scratch de thing. but then pinch till skin seperates from flesh le lah!! the pain slowly rushed up! it`s like.. haaaaa~ pain.. but heart more pain. cried alot in sch. even me and val break oso not so much tears in sch -.- what happen to me !! lols.
KY and me siao siao liao. ppl celebrate bday. after that in canteen so sobbish!! lols. listen to those sad sad de song. then cry til bu xiang yang. val oso say.. u cry she know le she oso hack care u !! u stand in rain she oso dun care u !! cos she wan me forget her mahs.. so no matter what she oso won`t hui xin zhuan yi le bah?

wo ye bu zhi dao ta dao di you mei you xi huan guo wo. you mei you xiang yao yi xin yi yi ai wo. -.- yin gai mei you. wo na me cou! T.T

wo yao suo de.. yi jing suo le.. haiis!!

my inbox is filled with yr sms. my calender is my diary. anything happen, if lazy write, will cut short put in my calender. then won`t forget. haiis.. ppl who viewed this blog, means u`re close with me enough to know my pw. lols. can get my hp someday and read it. then u`ll know how much i`ve fallen this time. how i felt. for good.. what am i suppose to do now!!

still pending for her sms. :(

6:58 AM

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

That busy? hmms.. nvm :\


-xi guan yi ge ren na me na me nan. wei he hai shi ben ben, sha sha, bu dong shi de xi guan le ni?-


-xian zhai de wo, hai zhe me ban..-

我终于还是说了一句我爱你, 还记得那个微凉夜里, 天空正飘着小雨.
你看着我说千万不要爱上你. 因为你只会让我伤心.
别傻了, 快点喊停.
你那么冷静, 忽远又忽近.
我知道我对你来说也许太年轻, 我想, 我猜, 我问,我终于了解.
原来为爱流的眼泪也是种甜蜜滋味, 只想爱你.
当我和你走在一起就已经决定, 不看,不听, 不问, 也不会放弃.
好想每天睁开眼睛就能看到你. 我知道我偶尔有一点任性. 不管你做任何决定, 究竟爱我还是逃避.. Sorry, 我还是不会放弃..爱你
Sorry, 我还是不会放弃.
我还是不会放弃, 爱你.

dunno it`s suppose to be happy or bad. o.O
i put the puncuations le.. sound better le bahs? lols.
sorry ah ! no translation.. -.-

hmms.. 2nd dae liao.. hao bu xi guan ooh. hmms.. wonder if something happened. hmms..
whole day, from the sec i woke up.. how come i nv check then got ppl sms me. i check always no have de?! today my hp nv leave my sight. so not many ppl sms me. only kor, chuen and baby nia. haiis. my hands itchy, sent like.. dunno how many sms. -.- hmms..

whole day at home. doing nothing. go friendster do survey. so wu liiaos de. then no mood do causework too. so in the end, whole day did nothing ! tmr suppose to hand in? i`m not going to hand in. i did nothing too. hand in oso no marks. o lvl coursework.. lols.. and i have nothing to hand in -.- zz.

today rain wor ! suddenly feel like going downstairs just to get drenched. but when i tell mommy i wan go out. mommy say rain. ask me go where. i say go buy things. she scold me -.- in the end didn`t go out. haiis. then go toilet bathe cold water. felt the same. just that toilet got ppl shout me nia "lang fei shui! kuai dian lah !".. "YING AH! CHU LAI !!".. i didn`t make a noisy. wanna freeze nia. lols. in the end didn`t. cos, i`m bathing in my mom`s room de toilet mah.. then, she cannot take her stuff. lols. in the end she was damm damm angry at me. on my hp de mp3. go in toilet. wanted to sing while bathing. but then .. cannot.. -.- not no voice. is cos.. i let water sprinkle onto my face.. the water went in.. then cough cough. lol.

drank liang teh. throat damm uncomfortable. then cold cold de. drink liao relive a bit. -.- then after that i ate biscuit. haha. then again.. pain~ not pain liao. lols. mommy buy the fish de dunno what cracker.. then ate lohs. lols. later mux drink liang teh again. if not tmr no need talk liao. xD
dunno tmr will rain mah lehs. hmms. *prays prays* dun rain pls. tmr is the day i wanna be hyper. going play batminton with kor and shaun they all de. cannot rain ! dun wan wind ! i wan HOT HOT HOT HOT SUN !! :( pls?

well.. xi wang bu hui rain bahs !! haiis.. if not jiu slack somewhere lohs o.O
tmr hope no sub lesson. i dun wan stay in sch. planned to go sch sleep le. cos. tonight dunno can sleep not. hmms.
this morning dunno which furking idert. 3am++ called me.. i`m sure it`s a bung.. hmms.. it`s like.. wadda hell. in the middle of the night leh! somemore ask me IRRITATING QUESTIONS!!
grrrrrrrr. wan know what she asked mahs?! hmms.. bu fang bian say here.. grr.. my ans was "NO!" then ask who she was. she was like.. "u really dunno?" i guess i know.. the voice.. hmms.. o.O was like.. irritated.. then shouts "who u lah?!" den she cut me, ask me wad i doing. den i ans:"sleeping lah !!" then she diam for awhile then hang up liao. kiam pa. who the hell isit lohs !! call again tonight jiu zhi dao!! the person could only be 2 person. cos the voice damm like it. hmms.. who cares. i don`t. bout the two -.-

I WANT PANBESY !! grrrrrrrrrrrrr..
now the irc ppl trying to snap me outta the ****. -.- i oso dunno where it comes from. dots! well.. nothing to blog bout le.. jus..

takkare of urself*?
:( dun get too busy til forget me ^^.

5:28 AM

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

didn`t go school today. pon tan.
2nd day without morning sms. hmms.. o.O

Ytd talked to baby on the phone. talked till 1 am plus. and then felt stomach ache. Then felt like vomitting. Rushed to the toilet but nothing comes out. felt terrible for a moment there. Went back to my room and then looked at hp. hmms. sick of the themes and all that. BLAH BLAH~ Was too lazy to change the wallpaper too. didn`t have much nice pics to put there. decided to put my last time de pic. hmms. it looked a bit disgusting, but i`m fine with it.

Was low in school. didn`t chat much but crapped alot. Whole day was like.. writing things non-stop. no matter is it POA notes, or is it chem corrections. i will sure have something else to write on the table de. I bought 3 pens which can be like.. writen on the table de. then decided to draw things on it. wrote emo emo de things on it. hmms.. some comes from songs. some is what i felt. haha! write on table, ppl NOT from my sch cannot see ! lols. my school de see le oso dunno what i writing. lols!!

hmms.. well.. drawn names for fun then.. realised cannot rub away -.- nvm.. after a school holiday or so will have ppl help me wipe away de. haha!!

stomach ache, sis oso dio. lols. think was cox of the vrab we had lohs. mommy bought crabs again. -.- so full liao she still expect me to eat finish 1/2 a crab. she say not big. then was like.. ohh ohh. in the end.. i crack the thing for mommy eat. cos she help make for my sis mah ! nv make for me somemore. -.-
they very cute de lohs. take hammer out jus to eat the crab de 'giap giap'. LOL~ then 'bang bang' here and there. all i did was.. bite. haha! mommy say i bian tai. later teeth drop. my teeth is strong!! cos i ate calci-yum ! lols. calcium helps both teeth and bones to grow well mahs.. also helps in the kidney and liver de dunno what isit? *is that calcium or.... vitamin dunno what?* dots ! i`m not a very good F&N student lahs!! kekes.

Got back chem de paper. that one that was a 'surprise test' for me only. cos i forgotten ALL BOUT IT~ xD then.. suppose to fail cos the only equation i know is this. :
CaCO3 + HCl -->> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
i remember calcium and magnesium same.
Ca2+ and Mg2+. so.. i replace every Mg2+ with Ca2+.
then.. yah.. score in section B lohs. lols!! got like.. 26/40.
1st time i pass chem actually. so happy !! xD

Maths paper i got like..
11/20 for test 1. didn`t do the 2nd page -.-
20/20 for test 2. so happy~ lols. exellent~ teacher write de horr! lols.
overall is 77.5/100. If o lvl so easy jiu hao le lohs!!
Not bad ah val. test 1 win me ^^
Jia you for yr algebra thingiees. some of it u strong in de. like sub the things in to the fomular. But if u take some time to look at the numbers, some of it no need fomular de. Quest which needs fomular will be 4 mark or 3 mark de. no have 2 marks de. lols. need help can come find me on yr algebra. others me not strong. cos.. hopeless tuition teacher and i didn`t study liao xD sec 3 de sub i think hai ke yi. sec 4 de dun ask me !! lols. and i think u better do some simultanious. zhen de.. -.-sub here sub there very easy de. like me lohs. practice on 200 quest den will master it liao -.- my tuition teacher so hiong right? LOL~

now no more tuition liao~ only call me do my TYS. zzz. as if i got do de. last time got motivation. now no have xD even mom dun care me liao. helping me look for job liao lohs. dots.
ask me go 'wallet shop' in heeren. like dada liddat. but mux sign atleast 6mth de contract. i den don wan. work in town, mux serve so many ppl. somemore. wallets.. -.-
wan work at shops liddat go work at 'sembawang music' or those sell CD de mahs! then got songs to listen. can entertain myself with music all day long~ lols. after o lvls ask ahwee pull me in. xD bishan de sembawang. hmms.. like very bu fang bian hor? who cares! lols. if not jiu shi.. the pet shop that my mommy say de lohs. can play with the cute cute de pups~ ^^ ke aiii~~
if not.. go learn to be a beautician. get a cert then work for daddy.
if not.. Go my godpapa de confectionary work lohs!! full time. hmms.. hard working abit will have atleast 1k++ de bahs o.O
but then.. hopefully can get in poly. if not die die oso mux go in nafa. fanne says prepare portflio for them. they like it accpet liao den ok le lohs? -.- got so easy mehs. how many millions of art students out there. and somemore i dunno art at all. i know sing sing sing nia. HAHA~
ooh~ got part-time singer de ma? lols. part-time singer. o.O good idea right? -.- later ppl throw tomato, vegetables, eggs.. blah blah.. lols. i need money seriously lahs! grr..

-korea trip (ah ma ah gong and xiao gu..)
-taiwan trip (sis dad and mom)
-cruise trip (with school ppl and my aiai* -not confirm) *aiai is who i oso dunno -.-
-thailand trip (shop shop shop~~)
-xiong mao bear bear
-the les book in popular o.O

all that is damm ex lahs! grr.. from cheapest de buy 1st !
the book is 46.90. bear bear is 49.90. thai will cost me 600? cruise will need bout 600 too. w990i is 998. taiwan is ard 1500 there bahs. KOREA IS DAMM EX ! sobx. according to what aunt told me. i mux bring 2800 SGD. sobx ! round up 3000. work 3 months then enough -.- after o lvls. JIA YOU! die die mux get a job !! grrr..
OOH YAH ! piano. T.T

cheaper things i want now would be like..
BAG~ SHOE~ stuff liddat. hmms.. xD
JIA YOU~ save up money~!!! xD
with the cost of bills now.. hp de. house phone de. and electricity de. mom sure kpkb den deduct my allowance will dunno left how much de. T.T as if i`m the only 1 using those! other then my hp. haiis! suppose to be like 7 SGD. now left 4 SGD. -.- my bday wu lun ru he mux invite ppl come my house play play eat eat. then adults mux gamble play majiong!! liddat i got ang pao~ xD yay!! sep 17 !! Hope daddy faster strike lotterryyy!! then can change hp. muahaha!! nope. i wan new hp. dun wan trade in my w550i !! too many things inside liao. hmms.. lols.

anyone wanna try holding a 5KG weight and then stretch out yr arms. forming a 90 degrees from yr under arm til yr waist? xD shiver like shit liddat.. so heavy. cannot make it. 1,2,3,4,5 POM~ cannot liao. lols. left hand worst. 1,2,3.HAHA~ kayys lah. shall update tonight.

hmms.. o.O jing tian hui you ren xiang wo mah? we`ll see bout it.

10:47 PM

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I`ve already forgotten what i`ve planned to blog yesterday.
Blogger was lagging and in the end i didn`t get the chance to blog.
Here are some informations..

Night-blindness- a condition where a person is unable to see properly, especially at night. The cause of this in a deficiency in Vitamin A, also known as retinol, which is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina of our eyes that enables us to see in dim light. Eating food which is rich in vitamin A helps to rectify the condition. Examples of food rich in vitamin A are liver, milk, eggs, orange-coloured fruits and vegetables.

Anaemia- it occurs when there is a lack of haemoglobin in red blood cells to transport oxygen to other parts of the body. When this happens, cells in the body cannot produce enough energy. A person will then look pale, feel very tired and weak, and also lack of concentration. People who are anaemic are girls who are menstruating, pregnent women, vegetarians, and those who restrict their food intake in order to lose weight. To rectify the condition, the person should eat food rich in iron, such as liver, eggs and dark green vegetables. In addition, he or she should ensure that food with folate and vitamin B12 should be included in the diet.

Anorexia nervosa- People with a distorted image of their body desire ti be slim. They deny themselves food or refuses to eat. As a result, they become extremely thin. Their body dlowly wastes away as there are too few calories for the body`s needs.
Victim suffers weight loss, hair loss, listlessness, sleeplessness, tiredness, possible damage to kidneys and reproductive organs. Without help, the condition can be fatal.

add on: According to real life experiences, i found out that, even if they were to eat something(which is extremely little), they would find a way to get rid of the calories that they had taken in. For example, vomitting, or doing excersices to burn off fats in their body. Normally, they burn up more than what they`ve eaten. Anorexia can cause depression too. Where one feels that they`re living in the end of they world. Feels that no one cares about them. They could be quite emotional too.

Bulimia- People with bulimia eat too much! In fact, they are fond of garging on high-calories foods. After which they binge. They usually try to get rid of the food by including vomitting. Other then vomitting, they also uses laxatives or diuretics to remove the food from their body. This cause them to be dehydrated. The organs in their body could also be damaged. It might even cause internal bleeding and eventually, death.

add on: Vomitting cause the oesophagus(gullet) to burn, as in our stomach, there are gastric juices which is mixed with the food we have eaten. When we vomit the food out, the gastric juices, together with the food is being pass out. There have been cases where bulimic people dies due to long-term binging(vomitting). Like Anorexia, bulimia could cause depression too.

However, there are cases where a person suffers from both at the same time. This is when he/she is too obssesed to lose weight. But due to a particular reason, could not/ is forced to eat. This person might not say a thing about it, but, he/she would be likely to feel guilty of what he/she had eaten. As a result, he/she might vomit everything he/she eats.

As for PANBESY, It caused me to be weak. I don`t know why. But after val reminded me that, i`ve been skipping my meals and told her that i was full. Not like other people who takes penbesy, i don`t really drink that much water. But also, for goodness sack, also not like the others who the doctors advice to lose 1 kg per week. i lost 9 kg in 5 weeks. -.-"
That`s too much, my teacher says. I`m going to the doctor soon i hope. i hope the doctor will not forbid me from panbesy. Although now, i`m weak, anaemic and a bit of symptoms to be turning into bulimic soon. I really felt guilty that moment in the toilet while washing my hands. I stared at the toilet bowl for awhile, thinking if i should binge.
Also, thinking of the things mdm ng was talking about. Burning of oesophagus, death. I don`t want to die yet.

Hmms*.. the blood test shows that my liver is alright. Not like my mom`s. she did not inhertited anything to me YET. According to mdm Ng, fish liver oil will NOT help my high triglycerides to reduce. because, it`s also oil ! I`ve stopped medicating now and i realised that the cramps comes back once in awhile. either i eat/drink too cold (like what my mom says) or i ate things which are acidic and i didn`t know.

I found out from the internet that PANBESY will cause liver to swell. I don`t know if it`s true, but the doctors won`t risk my life will they? My liver isn`t THAT weak i hope? The cramps are most properbly due to triglycerides -.-"

well. I MISS YA TOO~ ^^

Okayys. Now back to my siao language! wahkaka!~ woohoo~ hyper tonight wor!! ^^
LOLS~ *jux finish my strawberry CALCI-YUM!* lols.
it cost me like.. $1.95 lols. got 4 inside somemore. gave 1 to shaun and 1 to vanessa. hmms.. kekes. well. i cannot eat too much of it cos, it helps children to grow taller !! heard that it`s not gonna have effects on me cos i`m 16 already. and i`m not CHILDREN. lols. hmms.. well.. it taste like normal de yoghart. just abit more sweet -.-

KY- why u tell jayven yr dream~ omg lah!! u know who my baby de mah?!! lols. secret lehs!! u tell her.. omg.. lalala~
hmms.. well well.. i dreamt bout something ytd while taking a nap!! i woke up after 1st dream cos someone sms me. i woke up 2nd dream cos alarm rings -.- ahhh~ saddening !!
hmms.. my bai ma wang zi. lols. *drools* -omg sinying so gaga-
well.. errrms.. the peck on my cheek and forehead was sweeett~ wee~ lols.
KYKYKYKY~ sinying gonna fly away liao. lols. jux a dream -.-
then after that (in the dream) got sms. hmms.. funny de lehs.. i know who is it but dun tell u all! woohooohooohooo~ sms bout somethng lorrhs.. lols~ then woke up le -.-

1st dream was somewhere dark. dunno where too. got breeze.. hmms.. o.O the peck on my cheek and forehead. didn`t get to see the person man. lols. it felt so... AHHHHHHHHH~ *gagagagaga* hmms.. ^^

2nd dream was like.. the sms thingiee? dunno came home from where.. whakaka~ :)

*cough* i need water le~ xD lazy. dots dots. happy wor. got ppl miss me lehs! T.T touched~ so happy~ awwww.. kekes.

FINAL plannings for this coming friday.
shaun and i and aaron going play batminton at..
my hse here *YAWNS LAHS!*
val, al, yk, fanne, ky- wan come mahs? we`re meeting up at 1:30 or 2:00
after sch go home 1st. or some might wanna go makan 1st? hmms..
forget bout net. no poles dere. zz.
then.. shaun say wan bring his shuttercock. dunno later feather will drop out de mah o.O
like last time HOR !! dunno who smack the thing till..... DOTS !
then i remembered my shoe stuck in the tree ! -.-
then fann would be mad after hearing "JING YIIYIIIII~" lols.
hmms.. hao. who wanna go contact me asap wor!!

AND HOR !! Val, shaun, aaron. bring yr own racket TY~ -.-
me racket dunno HOW MANY BILLION years liao de. nv change the strings too. wahkaka.
my baobei de grip lemme make till like SHIIT! -.- bao bei no more nice nice liao. well.
fanne ahh! i know u no racket. i bring for u bahs -.- only 2 i`ll bring then ~ tatatata~

REMEMBER !! friday got nothing on. SO FAR lahs. got SS de classtest only.

thursday got maths classtest. so sin ying mayb pon tan again -.- sure fail de this time. what u call that? errm.. proberbility? WADEVER ! grrr.. my tuition teacher busy with wedding and blah blah blah. dun care me liao le. dang~ :(

5:31 AM

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

well. yupp. new blog skin.
i`m kinda sick of the old one. -.-
last time was the Go H.O.T de song. so noisy.
then was the tag board. grrr..
now ok liao le. i serch many many skins. can change them if i want to.
but.. need help xD cos. i`m not good at blogskins. wahkaka.

hmms.. sat night went sister de concert. then.. was quite nice lah.
their school very happening. not like mine. sian sian de.
hmms. after that went aaron kor de hse. his bday.


den.. SUPPOSE to ton there lah.
but then ended up i`m the only female thats going to stay. IF i stay lah.
but in the end.. i decided to go off at ard 4++ am. cos KYKY oso going off that time mahs.
den.. walk with KYKY go sun plaza buy roti prata for her mommy.
oh my tian ahh!! like.. very "little" oil lehs! xD
little till can let insects swin liao. lols.

then.. can stand only got like, 1 pathetic looking cabby. den let KYKY go home 1st. since her house is further. hmms. yupps. then i walk out to the main road and got a cab.
damm uncle. went 1 big big round den send me home. -.- dunno is deaf or what de. told him "uncle turn at the traffic light"
he went OVER the traffic light. sommore he say "oh oh okok". dots!! then reach home liao so happy lohs xD was like.. 7 dollars. from sun plaza there to my house!! irritating!! hmms..
went home 1st thing is.. MY PILLOW !! den was like.. AHH!! urgent !! then rush to toilet. wahkaka. then bathe and blah blah blah. then when i lay on bed.. check hp awhile. see got sms or what not. den no have xD then look at the time. OMG 6:04 i think. if i not wrong -.-

then today woke up at like.. 2pm? lols. eat le then sms baby.
cos.. cannot sms other person le :(
cannot too xi guan. cos like.. mayb ppl oso dun want me xi guan bahs? hmms. u`ll nv know what the other person`s thinking. so best is.. bu yao.. KE SHI.....
in the end.. at night dunno what time.. wo hai shi shou yang send le yi ge sms. xD
then.. chat awhile on the phone lohs. keep on "shoot" me de -.-
cos making blog mah. den make till i wan cry liao. xD
in the end.. with A LITTLE HELP. i`m able to finish the blog ! woohoo~
well. now that my daddy just stepped into the house. i`m so going to get scoldings from him again. not suppose to online til so late de. -.- die die.

*ahem* yahs. lols.
i dunno what happen to SOMEBODY.
why liddat? in the end i think i know why liao. cos dad right?
hmms.. like.. yahs.. i do understand in some ways bahs..
well SOMEBODY.. u can call me de u know? -.-
u`re there for me. let me be there for u oso lah ! kiam pa !
told u liao. my hotline only open to SOME ppl. NOT ALL WOR~
haha. SOMEBODY. u`re one of them. so u can call me anytime de mah !
cannot be that u dunno my hp de bah. haha.
well.. my hp won`t no batt de. cos.. low batt i`ll freak out. o.O
yupps. i like to receive sms from PPL ma. so mux wait xD
jk lahs. need me can call me yah, SOMEBODY. u know who u are. ^^

as for KYKY-
yupps. we`re kinda.. alike..
just that.. yr dream is happening to me in real life.
and i can tell u. it`s damm sweeettt~ woohoo~ xD
so sorry.. sinying gaga over it liao. haha!
hmms.. sorry ah. siao charbo lai liao. i can nv be NOT crazy. haha!
not crazy means.. normal.. den means.. i`ll start thinking alot alot !!
NOO~ bao bu rong yi bu yong xiang leh !
think bout what? hmms.. MAMA LOHS! PAPA LOHS ! hais ! and my family de tai ji. tell u all u all oso cannot do anything bout it. cos me myself and i have no idea what they`ll be doing bout my life seriously. they had stopped my medication. dun borther to bring me to doctor to get my bloodtest done. dun even wan to let doc monitor me isit? i wanna know if the thing went down.
if i were to STOP it.. hmms.. physically i`ll change right? change for goodness sack! lols. i dun wanna be fat liao ! grrrr..
female homones is not a good way to keep a proper way of maintaining yr period timing. seriously. -.- the side-effects are too much for me to take. somemore.. i stopped it for awhile. then now realised i`ve got IT* inheritated by daddy. -.- why can`t i be healthy for once.. my liver de thingiee might be regarding the blood thingiee.. cox.. last time young got kidney de thingiee. hao tong ku ooh ! hao bu rong yi no need go KKH. -.- doc took too much blood samples liao. now i not enough blood. hahaha!
the period thingiee is caused by pemisy. i dnno how to spell liao. but.. yah.

funneh leh. i went on medication for my mens thing. den side effect is, i`ll be FAT ! like i am now. then now i`m fat, i go on medication again. cos i dun wan to be fat!! grrr ! lols. then now. the medication which help me NOT to be fat is helping me NOT to have periods too -.- by right i MUST go back on the FATS medication. where i have MULTIPLES of meds. like.. "bu xie" de med.. to make my body system stronger abit.. then won`t have "ping xie". then won`t always faint like i used to last year. LOL~ so kong bu. on the way to sch will 'white out'.
my parents still dun believe bout the faint thingiees.. nvm nvm -.- forget it liao. no point teling them too. teacher oso dun believe me. wan see my parents. see lohs. kick me outta sch jui hao. only like. few person see be4. vanessa once told me when i white out.. say my face very white! no colour of blood. -.- like zombie. lols. i know de. 1 way to ease the white out was actually to increase my blood sugar lvl. to pop in a sweet or drink something sweet. -.- that time i brought sweets liao ahh.. but sugar free -.- no effect. dots~

don`t say i mei xing mei gan. i got. jux that they`re not working well. lols. seriously saying. life now is happy for me liao. hmms.. ^^ ppl who read it.. dun show me yr sympathy! i dun wan wor !. cos i am who i am. siao char bo. LOL~
i cannot be like other ppl. so perfect. short cute cuddly blah blah blah. but i am who i am. though.. i`m not like the rest. but i`m me. xD

just be mad and crazy like me. and CLING ONTO whoever whatever whereever. LOL~

sha gua and baby ahh. if u all really so bu ting hua read this horr.. i oso bwg. cos. i haven know how to put PW in my blog yet -.-

xiao xiao xiao~ yao HA HA HA HA da xiao~ keke^^

9:13 AM

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Friday, July 21, 2006

dunno what happen. high bu qi lai. mood yue lai yue low.
baby ahh.. i know it`s not meant for competition.
but i won anyway. let me happy awhile lah.

today is my f&n practical exam. i used broccoli.

morning dunno what to sms. cos i see no sms in my hp.
hmms.. in the end. asked shaun to help me translate my sms into malay.
den typed and send.
in the end.. reply was also in malay.
reply so bad de things. sad.
ask me dun care u. u dun wan drink water.
say u dun care me. dun care if i cry. :(

haiss ya!! think not cos of these i sad de lah.
i go play maple awhile le loh. train kor awhile.
takkare.. u*..

7:49 AM

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hmms.. tmr is inter. friendship dae..
i`m gonna wear like malay.. and den..
yah.. lols.. hmms.. wonder what april and val gonna wear man..
hmms.. today hen bu xi guan..
whole day nv reply my sms..
nv even send me sms..
the no. of times i take out my hp to check is like..
every dunno how many mins. -.-
dian dian dian. den now u asking me go jio the 185cm de bung!
PIAK NI AH ! :( haiis..
i dun wanna ask if u got think of me. cos later same ans again.
was thinking.. if u dun wan reply sms cos of the 'xi guan' thing.
but then.. haiis yoo yoo.. my friends kept me busy with porns in sch xD
yah.. dots.. hmms.. total turn OFF de porns. -.- eew eew.

well.. hmms.. today de day jiu liddat only lohs..
yk kept phyco-ing me go sch !
but i dun wan ~ sob.. i wan stay at home orh orh..
but then.. hai shi go bahs -.- since i "PROMISE" yk..
i oso dunno when i promise her de man..

well well.. lols.. met a very tall person in irc -.-
SO TALL!! 16 yr old nia. so hard to believe man !
well.. 1 out of like.. 100 b lor.. xD

kiam pa de CaCl2. toking to someone else i think.. hmms..
wo de xi guan shi bu shi tai qi guai liao?
lols.. bu dong la bu dong la.. dun wan think till too much..
wo hammer ni ni cai dong ahh!!!
cos even if i dunno u.. i won`t oso de.. cos i dun dare xD
wo bi jiao xi huan bie ren jio wo ke yi mah! lols..

hao lah.. hen lei le.. ru guo.. later u nv call de hua.........
den i dunno liao :(
hmms.. i shall stop here..
and.. hope yr voice recovers soon ooH~ ^^

8:51 AM

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

oh my oh my oh my god!
my left de eye lid.. xi, nu, ai, le..
xi wor~ means something happy will happen later o.O
hmms.. wonders what it is.. hehehes!!

Jux now when i`m trying to get some sleep, daddy come in the room.
not as if i didn`t do the house work lohs! is do le, he nv see.
he dunno how to think. later at night val bathe le will have more clothes right!?
den if i nv wash today de clothes, tmr val no uniform go sch. den daddy will blame EVERYTHING on me.
soo soo angry. she can sit in front of the comp and watch show.
i wan sleep nia. NAG NAG NAG.
somemore. NAG once not enough. nag like.. dunno how many times.
over different things.
somemore when i was sleeping liao time..
he came in pull the blanket and den wack me lohs!
FOR NOTHING!! what the hell i do lohs!!
he say what.. "i ask u wash clothes u sleep.. ask u clean the house u dun wan"
val sick.. MC today.. I COOK FOR HER LEHS!! kns.. hmmps!!
all i say back my dad was like.. "everything i did u nv sees them.. i DID IT LIAO LE LOHS!"
"later val bathe still got clothes right?! not as if i dun wan wash lohs!"
"mommy go m`sia means everything me lah? u cannot do anything?"
"say so much oso no use. all my fault lohs. wan wack jiu wack bahs!"

think he didn`t hear the wack wack thing.
den he gives me attitute. den go off to work FOR GOOD!
then wake up le due to the pulling of my blanket and the nagging..
i cannot sleep well mahs.. den.. feel a bit unwell..
feel like vomitting. den go toilet. nothing comes out.
ate a bit of mee fen he bought. but nothing comes out too.
he drank finish the wine liao. tonight i got nothing to drink le -.-
head still spinning now. grrr~

Today got class de photo taking. hmms.
i know i ugly. si baby!~ -.-
that`s why i dun like to have photo taking sessions mahs! cos..
like.. all stand in 1 positions. some will look great with the position.
some will look ugly like me -.-
shoot me till liddat.. kiam pa de baby!
den decided not to reply 1 of her sms. see what she`ll say. BUT SEEMS LIKE SHE DID NOTHING!! xD
after that kelson ask me. den i say.. i wan see what she`ll do mah.. wah lao~ in the end she bo chap me -.- waste my time for taking those pictures after sch. -.-
those pic looked damm stupid ahh. lols.

err.. yah.. sha gua wans to sleep. sure no listen in class de right? o.O
hmms.. wrote chi words on my file and mms her. wahkaka~
i was in chinese lesson mahs! teacher bo chap me oso -.-
everyone was like.. doing their own things lorr..
i drawing words.. val writing letters.. jessica dunno doing what..
crabison and aleyluyah.. like be4 lorr.. still crapping -.-
then the rest of class is out of reach xD

well.. for the photo taking thing, zhen ting put on eye liner wor! lols.
he looks like.. cos-player in it man.. hmms..
"part of LYCIFY" LOL~
den.. took pic with zhenting and weisong. ^^
hmms.. huifen say like.. tourist wan take pic with monkeys from zoo. HAHA!
den chuanchern took pic with my hp oso lorr.. den we took pic too.
whole class had been taking pic. haha!
today de lesson.. other den chem.. like all free periods lehs. mind as well stay at home orh orh.
waste time go sch~ stay at home oso sian . not my comp day too. cheh~

Whole day didn`t sms much wor. hmms..
cos shagua tired bahs. den go rest lorrs.
spent my day crapping like usual. haiis..
happy that someone missed me bahs! ^^
dunno got bluff me not o.O
better then i asked again den that person say "don have"
-.- even if ask me guess oso same ans de mahs! qi si ren..
but.. happy to receive sms like.. everyday and night! wahkaka
though there's times i have to wait till LATE night.
or sometimes have to wait till LATE morning.
but better den nothing bahs? lol..
yeekuan say oso le mahs. "u dunno how to sms her mehs!!"
no. i dunno how. haha~ i like to receive her sms.
den see what she gotto say to me mahs! hahaha~
cos if i sms her.. den she reply me de things like. limited de..
she sms me 1st she`ll say more things. hehehes~
though.. sometimes scare to see those sms which i`m UNWEILLING to see..
u know what i mean right? o.O haha. mei clever will know de ^^
but horr.. receive her sms very exciting de leh! cos u dunno what she`s gonna tell u today.
stm mah. she forgets what she say ytd de. so everything will be diff everyday. hahas~

aww~ smiles asked me what i want for bday gift.
i say i wan sunflower! haha
den found out in the end.. got perfume call sunflower de.
it`s an old perfume. a bottle for $60. samples are selling at $1 each. smiles say de.
hmms.. dunno much bout perfumes.. -.-
so.. it`s better for me to get REAL de sunflowers bahs. though they`re duan zhan de mei hao.
ke shi.. duan zhan que you tian mei. ^^
dried flowers can stay like.. nice lorr..
but sunflower cannot. dried de sunflower very ugly :(
so, cherish it before the sunflower ku wei diao.

wo jin tian you xiang ni oh..
hmms.. ye you dian chi chu de gan jue -.-
bao zhong le! xie xie ni na ge 'bloody' de zhutou -.-
^^ wahkaka~
bu yao jiang wo lame and mad le lah! o.O

- siao siao ben nu ren -

6:33 AM

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Monday, July 17, 2006

well.. i`m not zhen chang. xD
hmms.. i oso dunno how to say..
mayb today de post will be sacastic abit.. cos i drunk be4 i typed..
anything that i said wrongly.. pls duo duo yuan liang..

for jack..
i know how u feel lah.. is actually no difference from my situation.
i`m waiting for someone whom i dunno can get her de mahx.
u too bahs? and someone is waiting for u. and dunno can get u mahx too.=.=
complicating enough? haiis yoo yoo.

like what i did before. if i cannot get it. then.. hope ni xin fu kuai le jiu hao. yi cie tong ku bei shang wo zhi ji lai kang. -.- of cos hope no need to be alone lahs! hmms..
ytd i oso dunno what the hell i`m thinking man..
but everytime u say "give up" or "leave" like.. PAIN LOHS! qi si ren.
hmms. yeah. i get really angry de xD
everytime ask if u missed me. u wld say no de. -.-"
today ans me "u say lehx?"
no need say de lohs. everytime will be the same de mahs! -.-
today i whole day missing. nv sms ka jiao u much.
u oso like bo chap bo chap.
den come home le online tell me yr 1st ex sms u ask u miss her ma..
den so angry lohs! like.. wah lao~ hummps.
den told u my 3rd ex sms me ask me got miss her not.
4th ex call and say she miss me.
5th ex sms me ask me meet her up cos she miss me lotsa.
6th ex call me say wan meet me cos she miss me alot.
something liddat lahx. but wadda hell!
all u said was like.. "go lohx"
grrrrr~ *clunch fist*
qi si ren qi si ren.
and none of them sms me de -.-
one same class.
one in hospital. somemore got stead liao. lolx.
haiss ya~
the one in hospital no count no count! -.-
2 days nia. xD made me guilty enough. lols.
hmms.. hmms.. no count is she say de. not me lols~

well.... today didn`t go school.
blur blur see wrong time. den blur blur rish take cab.
blur blur go sch den dun even know my idex no. for o lvl. -.-
den blur blur follow val go in the class.
den blur blur see got a table empty den check. OOH~ MY NAME~ -.-
den blur blur look at the teacher. den blur blur listen to the thing.
den after that blur blur go mos burgers chit-chat.
den blur blur go home -.-
crapped alot today lahs. haiis yoo yoo.
fei mao ahh fei mao!! wo liao jie ni de gan shou. cos, wo ye shi yi yang de ben! hahaha~
ke shi.. dang ben dan.. yao wei le zhi de ni qu ben de ren ben ooh..
zhi yao ni ren wei ben de you jia zhi. wo bu hui zhu zhi ni gen wo yi yang ben de! wahkaka~

hmms.. anyways.. kekes.
sinying a bit high tonight.
siao siao liao le.. kekes.
sat going ton at kor house there.. hmms.. bu jui bu gui~ lols.
we`ll see bout it la.. be4 that sis got concert -.- zz
so mayb going that after the concert thing lorrhs.
hmms.. yupps.. bo bian.. sister there die die mux go de. zz

wadda hell~ SOMEONE ASK ME GO AND DIE MAN! :'(
forget it.. haiis.. i take everything she said so.. seriously den she liddat -.-
so.. saddening lorr.. haiis.. nvm nvm..
say le more sad. today cannot sad. baby sleeping le. xD
dunno lah. mayb the way i treat u now diff le.
den or not is.. yi dian xi huan wo de feeling ye mei you liao lorr -.-

someday.. if u wanna let me know u like me.. or love me.. u will de.. no need me anyhow guess.. RIGHT?!
don`t wan update liao.. bwg..

8:11 AM

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

hmms.. why why why!!

haiis. wo zi si. i know u very xin ku. but i dun wan let go.
haiss yoo yoo. what has gotten into me man..
last time can xiao xiao sa sa say. BYE BYE~
xian zhai na me nuo ruo.


hmms. fri night go ton at esplanate area.
memorable night bah. thought stm de shagua will forget every single thing clean for good! :(
hmms. i didn`t forget anything that i think is sweet and important.
haha.. hmms.. yah..
the way i lie down to sleep. whole body blue black xD

well.. i wasn`t really in deep sleep yet. so i know whats going on actually.
how i hope time wld stop there? that instant. lols.
impossible to stop time i know.
na zhong gan jue. bu hui wang de.

den.. after that going home time..
blah blah.. on bus i received a sms wor. happily open up and see. but den..
u say mayb this is last time meeting me le..
nv say qing chu!! i thought what u mean.. den i tear on bus. xD somemore YK listening to those sad sad de song. lols.
no one saw bah. all too tired to hiu me le. hmms.. good lah lols..
den.. when i alone liao.. receive reply.. hmms..
so, u`re toking bout u`ll be busy. haha~ how stupid of me..
scare u leave xD

den.. after that.. go home sleep lorr.. hmms..
den after i woke up, den baby call me go out.. siao ahh~
bugis leh! i somemore jux open eyes nia. xD lazy go oso. lols.
den in the end.. they 2 come my hse.
UNEXPECTEDLY, my aunt came over with her 2 kids too. -.-
we go room lorr.. hmms..

den thristan came in..
my sis ask him, "that green green de jie jie pretty mah?"
he said yes wor !!
den my sister asked again.. "that white white de jie jie pretty mah?"
den he hasitate awhile den shy shy say yes. HAHA~
so funneh man~ ^^
den after that my sister ask thristan like girl or boy..
he say "boy".. "i like boy"
oh my god lah~ lols.. and i now then know. hahaha~
hmms.. jayven is thristan de 6th gf~ hahha!!

den they stayed over lorr.. den.. mommy kao peh till i wan kill her.. tok so much!!
lols.. den morning.. dunno y.. they bian tai ahh.. see me wash face.. hmms..
-.- well well.. i know my room very cold~ lols..


6:59 AM

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